BBPM Life dac, formerly known as Vera Financial dac, is an Irish life insurance company. It is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland and is authorized to operate under the freedom to provide services in several European Union countries, including Italy.

BBPM Life specializes in developing class III life insurance products (Unit-Linked and Index Linked), distributed through the banking channel. The company offers insurance solutions for the Banco BPM Banking Group.

Since December the 15th 2023, BBPM Life is part of the Banco BPM Vita Insurance Group. This integration further strengthens our ability to provide quality services and tailor-made solutions for our clients.



Our company vision “Embrace change, create value” aligns perfectly with our core business.

We distribute financial insurance solutions, particularly unit-linked policies, which offer returns linked to underlying financial assets. In this way, we create value for our clients by adapting to the changing market needs and embracing industry evolution.



Our company mission, “To create value, we embrace change, identify the best opportunities, and support our clients’ journey,” aligns perfectly with our core business. We distribute financial insurance solutions, particularly unit-linked policies, which offer returns linked to both internal and external funds.

In this way, we create value for our clients by adapting to the changing market needs and embracing industry evolution. We provide excellent customer service, ensuring maximum assistance and support for our clients throughout their journey.

The group

The group

The Banco BPM Vita Insurance Group, specializing in providing insurance solutions for the Banco BPM Banking Group, consists of Banco BPM Vita, along with its subsidiaries BBPM Life and Vera Vita. As a prominent player in the Italian banking and insurance landscape, the group is wholly controlled by Banco BPM, which stands as the parent company of the third-largest Italian banking group. For more information, you can visit their website here.

The group was formed on January 1, 2017, through the merger of Banco Popolare and Banca Popolare di Milano, boasting 22,000 employees, 1,400 branches, and a strong presence in the industrial heartland of Northern Italy.